Final Programme

Sessions are now confirmed in the following timetable, although there may be changes out of our control on the day that we will communicate to participants.

Breakfast in accommodation
Sports and Play
Breakfast in accommodation
Treasure Hunt!
Meet in Foyer
Parallel Sessions 3
6 | 9 | 10
Parallel Sessions 6
26 | 21 | 22 | 24
Keynote 2: Rosie Jones
Keynote 3: Karen Lawson
Lunch12:00-13:0012:15-13:3013:00 Close
Keynote 1: Nikki Pugh
Parallel Sessions 4
11, 12 | 20 | 13, 23
Parallel Sessions 1
1 | 2 | 3, 4
Coffee 15:15-15:4515:00-15:30
Parallel Sessions 2
5 | 8 | 714
Parallel Sessions 5
15 | 16,17 | 18,19
Escape Rooms
Reception, Q&A, Game, Pirate map
Conference Dinner
Mystery Activities

pl-thinstripShort Abstracts

Parallel Sessions 1 (Wednesday 13th July, 14:15-15:15)

1. Playfields: Designing tools for playful fieldwork [60 mins]
Jana Wendler
Perkins, C.

We invite you to become part of the design team for a new digital tool for playful fieldwork! Using the actual design brief of our project, we will discuss, create, dispute, enact and play with mechanics and aesthetics. We’ll also talk about sunny islands. >>FULL ABSTRACT

2. Playdough Plaza- Learning Through Squishing [60 mins]
Dr Gemma Lace-Costigan

Playdough can be used to facilitate active learning, promote engagement and encourage interaction in the adult classroom. Additionally, it can be used to create memorable and satisfying learning experiences. This session will allow participants to squish their way through some interactive activities which aim to explore playful playdough practice. >>FULL ABSTRACT

3. We are the Game Changers: An Open Gaming Literacy Programme [30 mins]
Sylvester Arnab
Morini, L.; Green, K; Masters, A.; Bellamy-Wood, T.

This paper will focus on the first iteration of the Game Changers Programme of Coventry University, an open workshop for both staff and students which will explore the role and opportunities of game design thinking in fostering creative problem solving, cross-disciplinary design and gaming literacy. >>FULL ABSTRACT

4. Playing against the game [30 mins]
Bernd Remmele

There are different ways to approach (learning) games in a ‘negative’ way, like e.g. cheating or spoilsporting. Another way is to play against the game; the playful tension results here from the uncertainty when the framework of the ‘original’ game disrupts. This is of particular interest for game-based learning. >>FULL ABSTRACT


Parallel Sessions 2 (Wednesday 13th July, 15:45-17:15)

5. Lyra: blurring the line between the physical and virtual to encourage engagement [90 mins]
Mark Shand

In this playful activity session we’re going to be making and playing. There’s going to be paper and geometric shapes and augmented reality and puzzle fitting.
And scissors.
There’s also going to be sword-wielding squirrels. But we’ll get to that later… >>FULL ABSTRACT

7. Designing enhanced Board Games for Dementia care: engaging families, friends and community [60 mins]
Sam Ingleson
Dormann, C.

How can enhanced board games support problem solving and enhance gameplay in the context of dementia? The session will offer an opportunity to play a prototype game to introduce the research issues, followed by a group discussion focusing on social engagement, playful interaction, reflection and the reduction of isolation. >>FULL ABSTRACT

8. These are a few of our favourite tools [90 mins]
Karenne Sylvester
Reed, H.

This practical workshop will demonstrate some of the easily accessible websites and tools available online which can be used to create your own playful activities in lectures or classrooms. We’ll show you how to add a splash of fun to your lessons, while presenting or reviewing core pedagogical content. >>FULL ABSTRACT

14. Learning in Game Jams: A Case Study of the GLASS Summer School [30 mins]
Charlene Jennett
Kloetzer, L.; Himmelstein, J.; Vaugoux, A.; Iacovides, I;, Cox, A. L.

Game jams provide exciting opportunities for education and research. In this session we describe the GLASS Summer School, sharing videos where students talk about their experiences, and sharing results from our learning survey. We discuss questions such as what are optimal conditions for game jams? How can we measure learning? >>FULL ABSTRACT


Parallel Sessions 3 (Thursday 14th July, 09:30-11:00)

6. Make friends with a theory [90 mins]
Cheryl Reynolds

Become convinced of the usefulness of learning theory to curriculum design through this fun, interactive, low stakes and practical card-game. Form the most convincing combination between type of learner, teaching challenge, teaching strategy and learning theory and then successfully pitch your approach to win the game. >>FULL ABSTRACT

9. Play-space and Psycho-social Energy: A reflexive relationship [90 mins]
Jo A. Tyler

Are you curious about the ways engaging in play can shift the energy of the psycho-social spaces where we learn and work? If so, come to this experiential session to move through an “arc of playfulness” with pauses in which we will explore the shifting energy!  >>FULL ABSTRACT

10. Workshop on Creating Games and Playful Interactions for Adult Learning in Public Spaces [90 mins]
Dan Barnard
Briscoe, R

In this workshop, which will itself be structured in the form of a game, participants work in teams to create ideas for games and playful interactions for public spaces. Roll dice to decide the location, learning objectives/target groups and “technology” (in the broadest sense) of the activity.  >>FULL ABSTRACT


Parallel Sessions 4 (Thursday 14th July, 13:30-15:00)

11. Case History: card games for health and medical students [60 mins]
Claire Hamshire
Moseley, A.

Working with the Wellcome Collection image library and medical schools within the UK and internationally, we have created three card games to engage medical students with the analytical and narrative skills they need for their practice. Come and try your hand at a diagnosis!  >>FULL ABSTRACT

12. ‘Explorer of the world’ playshops: Playspaces for creativity & learning in Citizen Science [90 mins*]
Cindy Regalado
Charlene J.; Kloetzer, L

We are all explorers! Join us for one of our ‘Explorer of the world’ playshops –outdoors– to (re)discover how we learn about ourselves, each other, and surroundings. Then explore behind the scenes of playshops, as we share results from our interview study and lessons learnt on learning and creativity.  >>FULL ABSTRACT

*Note that the first 60 minutes of this workshop take place outside the main entrance; the final 30 take place in a seminar room.

20. LEGO Serious Play in Higher Education: How? What for? Why? [90 mins]
Tobias Seidl
Zeiner, K. M.

LEGO-Serious-Play (LSP) is a facilitated communication and problem-solving process which is highly suitable for HE. By building and reflecting on LEGO-models participants probe deeper and deeper into a subject. We are using LSP as a teaching method while researching the underlying processes. Here we will provide insights into both.  >>FULL ABSTRACT

13. Inside the Black-box : Playing Digital Security [60 mins]
José Rogado
Sousa, C.; Costa, C.; Henriques, S.

In this workshop, a playful activity is proposed, with the goal of explaining the basics of encryption and the fundamental role it plays in today’s digital presence. At the end, participants will have acquired a good experience on the pedagogical capabilities of games, and an increased awareness on digital security.  >>FULL ABSTRACT

23. Playful Urban Learning Space – An Indisciplinary Collaboration [30 mins]
Clive Hotham
Bech, T.

Participants first undertake and document a short playful group activity within the building, and report back on their findings. Participants then undertake a second dialogic activity. Finally the session leader will review how this wholly artful and playful approach has provided interesting insights about complex and ambiguous business contexts.  >>FULL ABSTRACT


Parallel Sessions 5 (Thursday 14th July, 15:30-17:00)

15. Super “Game Design Using MDA Model and the Elemental Tetrad” Turbo II [90 mins]
Simon Grey
Purdy, J

“GLSiG War!” is a terrible game. This session will challenge participants to iteratively develop this game from truly awful to exciting and exhilarating by considering tried and tested game design tools and techniques. One participant will win a fabulous prize!  >>FULL ABSTRACT

16. The Helpless and The Masters: A Subversive Game for Personal Growth [60 mins]
Nick Degens
Braad, E.

What does your playing style say about yourself? In this subversive workshop, you can experience how playing a table top game with different perspectives can provide insight and personal growth. After revealing the underlying concepts, the hosts will conclude with a number of implications for designing playful learning activities.  >>FULL ABSTRACT

17. Can games help creative writing students to collaborate on story-writing tasks? [30 mins]
David Jackson

Story writing is a complex creative task, made more difficult by collaboration. Can games make this challenge fun for learners? My case study shows how creative writing students responded when play testing group writing games (, and reviews the effect of game rules on the stories they created.  >>FULL ABSTRACT

18. Crafting Creative Learning: Introducing Minecraft into undergraduate and postgraduate learning [60 mins]
Joel Mills

This workshop explores 3 examples of how Minecraft has been used at undergraduate and postgraduate levels to deliver aspects of the curriculum in the playful, sandbox game. From Project Management to Proteins, Archaeology to Archives, Minecraft has provided new learning and failing opportunities through creative play.  >>FULL ABSTRACT

Note: participants are encouraged to bring their own laptops to the session to get the full experience; though you can participate without your own device too.

19. Gamifying induction for online students [30 mins]
Osman Javaid

Sarah is a new student on an online degree programme and is anxious about how she will get on. Join her as she struggles to keep up with the demands of the course while attempting to maintain her social life. She will learn about the VLE, how to complete assignments, as well as course expectations.

There will be an opportunity to play the game and discuss with colleagues.  >>FULL ABSTRACT


Parallel Sessions 6 (Friday 15th July, 10:00-11:30)

26. Lego Education: Mindstorm Workshop for Adults [90 mins]
LEGO Education (Neil Taylor)

Lego Education UK will deliver a hands-on workshop focused on delivering STEM and Computing in a playful, engaging and inspiring way using LEGO MINDSTORMS Education EV3.

21. Playing with the everyday [90 mins]
Chrissi Nerantzi
Baylis-Green, C.; Kelly, R.; Thomas, R.

In this session we will be using a playground framework to explore our unsuccessful teaching experiences. Consider bringing with you a selection of ordinary objects from work or home (though some will be provided) and be ready to share and reflect on times when your own teaching just “didn’t work”.  >>FULL ABSTRACT

22. Engagment in Virtual Reality Gameplay [90 mins]
Paul Booth
Meadows, C.; Williams, S.; Javaid, O.

Ever wondered how you could use virtual reality in learning and teaching? In this session you will have a hands on playtest of VR and explore its use in engaging students with immersive environments. There will also be opportunities to discuss with colleagues how this method can be adapted to different contexts. >>FULL ABSTRACT

24. Sea You, Sea Me: Behind the scenes
Giskin Day

The seaside comes to Manchester! Participants have been invited to grab a bucket from Reception and some random fellow delegates to play this conversational game throughout the conference. In this session, Giskin will discuss your experience of the game and explore how it can be adapted for educational contexts.
